A founder member and past Chairman of the Association of Town & City Management, Chris has played a leading role in developing the Town Centre Management industry including being part of the team which spearheaded the introduction of Business Improvement Districts into the UK. He is a former Senior Fellow of the Institute of Place Management.
Following over 30 years in national retail, Chris launched New Horizon Limited in 1999. His company has specialised in retail market development, town centre partnerships and Business Improvement Districts. An extensive portfolio of work over the last fifteen years has included market research surveys, feasibility studies, business plan creation, project consultancy and outsourced management services to towns and cities with BIDs.
Major projects which Chris has led on in the past 10 years include an Urban Regeneration Strategy for a wide area of Yorkshire, town centre transformation proposals for Stockton on Tees and the London Boroughs of Stratford & Bromley, and property acquisition advice to developers and the local authority in Stoke on Trent.
Chris has also carried out advisory visits to clients in the USA, France, Italy, Japan and the Middle East.
His comprehensive engagement and experience across many aspects of urban management brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the Heartflood team.